Premalignant features of the prostate can be ameliorated by Uvaria chamae root extract: Modeling prostate cancer with cadmium and alternative treatment option in adult Wistar rats


  • Edem GD Department of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
  • Sakpa CL Department of Anatomy, School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City
  • Ezeuko VC Department of Anatomy, School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City



Prostate cancer, Uvaria chamae, Testosterone, Prolactin, LH, FSH, Estradiol


Background: Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths in males worldwide. Mortality attributed with prostate cancer is strongly associated with the age of an individual with relatively higher incidence noticed among aged males.

Aim: The present study was carried out to assess the ameliorative effects of Uvaria chamae root extract on cadmium-induced carcinogenic potentials in adult male Wistar rats.

Materials and Methods: Sixty (60) adult male rats weighing between 200-210g were used in the current study. They were randomly divided into 10 groups of 6 animals per group (n=6). Group 1 received water and diet alone, group 2 received 3mg/kg of cadmium alone once weekly for 28days. Group 3-6 received 3mg/kg of cadmium for 28days followed by 150mg/kg of casodex, 2500mg/kg, 1500mg/kg and 1000mg/kg of Uvaria chamae root extract respectively for 28days. Group 7 received 150mg/kg of casodex alone for 28days. Group 8-10 received 2500mg/kg, 1500mg/kg and 1000mg/kg of Uvaria chamae root extract alone for 28days. The animals were sacrificed after the last dose schedule, blood sample taken for hormonal assay and prostate tissues were preserved in 10% buffered formalin for histology.

Results: Cadmium was found to raise the serum levels of testosterone, FSH, LH, prolactin and estradiol. However, administration of different doses of the root extract of Uvaria chamae decreased the serum levels of the hormones. Administration of 3mg/kg of cadmium alone caused appearance of histological features including small and crowded glands, undulating acini with contours and rigid lumen, nuclear atypia, nuclear hyperchromasia and infiltration of inflammatory cells. These histological features are often encountered in premalignant lesions of the prostate gland. The different doses of the root extract of Uvaria chamae was able to ameliorate the carcinogenic potentials exerted by cadmium on prostate tissues. These ameliorative changes were conspicuous in 2500mg/kg and 1500mg/kg treated groups respectively when compared to control and standard.

Conclusion: This investigation suggests that, the root extract of Uvaria chamae possesses strong cancer ameliorative tendencies through hormonal regulation. Further research should be conducted to isolate the bioactive ingredients responsible for this important therapeutic ability of Uvaria chamae for the sole purpose of anti-cancer drug production.

